One of my favourite birds of the holiday is this Golden Cheeked Woodpecker. It is a bird that I really wanted to see even though they are very common.
I saw a number of them on each of my trips out except the first trip.
It is the nicest looking Woodpecker that I have seen. It is about the same size as our Greater Spotted but the Red and Gold head make it look stunning. The female does not have the red on the head.

 Like our woodpecker it will visit feeding tables as seen below, it is also quite noisy which makes fairly easy to locate in the trees.
These Brown Pelican provided a lot of entertainment as the young birds always seemed to be feeding and the fish that they were catching were not small either.
The adult birds are very well marked and they often just sat there watching the young fill their beaks and stomachs
I spent a fair bit of time trying to get diving shots but as they were not diving from a height it was fairly difficult. Am rubbish at flying shots anyway


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